
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Where's My Change?

Look, I am all for stepping up and admitting that you are wrong. I'm even more in favor of taking that sort of responsibility when you were vehemently asserting that you were right; that, of course, before finding out that you were indeed wrong. But here's an aspect of all of this to consider. When asserting your correctness, try to do so without getting all assault-y and psychotic on the other person. Oh, and if you do lose your head and, oh, I don't know, say...punch the other person in the face and hold a pair of scissors to their throat until they give you twenty bucks, but then you find out that you were wrong, what say you just send them their twenty bucks back along with an apology card or something. Don't go back to where you acted like a maniac so that you can apologize in person. I mean, it's very commendable, don't get me wrong, but it's also a very good way to get yourself arrested.

Here's the scoop according to A woman goes to get some gasoline at a Country Farms convenience store in Delaware and gives the clerk a $20. Well, she thought it was a $20. The clerk said it was a $1. She told him it was a $20. He told her it was a $1.





Rabbit season!

Duck season!

Rabbit season!

Duck season!

It's unclear as to how long that little exchange (minus the talk about the ducks and rabbits) went on before the woman decided that there was no way that she was going to let this lying, scheming, scamming, convenience store clerk bilk her out of her hard acquired $20. So that's when she did the most reasonable thing in a situation like that. That's right; she started pummeling him with her fists. Meet Vicki Gambrell. Behold!

OK, that's about right. Yeah, so she starts just beating the crap out of poor Apu or whoever was working that day. Actually, it was a guy named Manoj Moda who took the brunt of Vicki's wrath. He kept telling her that she had only given him a dollar and she kept telling him that she had given him twenty dollars. Obviously her method of trying to convince Manoj that she had given him a $20 were ineffective, as he still wasn't agreeing with her despite all of the pounding and beating he was enduring. So she decided to try a different tactic. And when she spied a pair of scissors sitting there behind the counter, she knew just what that tactic would be!

Vicki then grabs the scissors and holds them up to Manoj's throat. Of course. (That's what I would have thought a reasonable person would have done next...reached for the pointy instruments of doom.) It was at that point that Manoj realized that talking with Vicki was doing no good what so ever and that it would probably be best if he just gave her the twenty bucks. Even though he knew that she had only given him a dollar, I'm guessing he figured that twenty bucks was a pretty cheap price to pay for not having your throat ripped open by a crazy woman wielding scissors. Extremely cheap.

She takes "her" twenty bucks and leaves. It was after she left that she looked in her purse and Whoopsie!! Wouldn't you know it?! Manoj was right! She did give him a one because there was the twenty in her purse! Silly, silly! Ha! Hoo-boy! That's gotta be embarrassing! All of the fighting and the threatening to cut someone's throat because you thought they stole from you and they didn't and now you know that they were telling the truth? Wow. That's going to be quite the story you'll have to tell one day, that's for sure. And Vicki decided to start by telling that story to Manoj when she returned to give him back the twenty that he had given her when he was fearing for his life. Wait. What?

Correct. She went back to the store to tell him she was sorry. Now, like I started off with, I find that very commendable, but did she not have any idea that doing so might get her arrested? Either that never entered her mind or she didn't care because she did go back and she did get arrested. Shocking, I know. When arrested, she "was charged with offensive touching and aggravated menacing." Wait. What now?

Offensive touching?! Well, I should say SO! Having someone pummel me with their fists is definitely some touching that I would find to be offensive! What in the hell ever happened to just plain ol' "assault" over there in Delaware, anyways? Offensive touching? And what was the other one? Aggravated menacing?! Is there a type of menacing that is not aggravated that you can be charged criminally with in Delaware? Like passive menacing or something? Granted, I do find someone holding scissors up to my throat very menacing indeed, but I was just wondering if they differentiated between aggravated and non-aggravated menacing considering it sounds like such a moronic charge to begin with.

The news video from NBC Philadelphia is below if you'd like to see Manoj get pummeled for yourself. The weird thing for me though? After I watched it, Vicki seemed like she was really sorry that she completely lost her mind there. She said, "I’m sorry it was just a bad mistake I have a clean record and never been in trouble in my life and it was just a bad mistake. I just lost my cool because here I don’t have any money. I am very embarrassed. I am so embarrassed." I have no idea if she's telling the truth about the "clean record" or not, but I do know that people that really know that they screwed up do tend to be embarrassed about it. People who are just feeding you a line of crap to get out of what they've done? Those folks never say that they're embarrassed. And she did inexplicably go back there to return the twenty bucks in person. So maybe she did just snap for a moment there. We'll see how it turns out in court for her when she goes. But I think it's safe to say that in this instance she MAY have overreacted.

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