
Friday, August 19, 2011

How Many Is That?

The other day, new reader Ashley mentioned to me that "...if you ever need new material, go to Wal-Mart...seriously." I did need new material. (Well, new-ish.) I did go to Wal-Mart. Holy s***, was she right. Behold!

There are so many things wrong with this that I don't know where to start. I guess first of all, who are these Wal-Mart shoppers with three hands? Besides, do you really think that someone who does not know how much fifteen of something is is going to be able to read the part when is says "Fifteen is this many"? I don't think they are! I have to ask, why this is only in English? Everything else in Wal-Mart is bi-freaking-lingual. Why is this insult of a sign only in English? I'm having a hard time believing that only the English speaking people are the ones that are having a hard time with this concept.

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