
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Congress Can't DO That

I really don't know what to say about this one. Seriously. First of all, I didn't know that this was even possible. Second of all, how come no one is making a bigger deal of this? Just wait. I'm getting there.

I was reading this article over at the NY Times and it started off innocently enough. Here we go: "The Senate on Wednesday rejected efforts to block the Environmental Protection Agency's program to regulate greenhouse gases, defeating four bills that would have limited the agency’s attempts to address global warming." Interesting. I wonder what the House was doing while the Senate was doing that? Well...

"The Senate voted as the House was debating a measure that would also halt the regulations by repealing the agency’s scientific finding that carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases are endangering human health and the environment. That bill is expected to pass the House on Thursday." Wait. They're what?

How do you REPEAL science?! It's a scientific finding! It's right there in the name! Scientific! It's also right there in the rest of the name. Finding! It's a SCIENTIFIC FINDING! You cannot repeal a scientific finding simply because you're in Congress! My head hurts. I'm done for the day. But just to quickly review: Congress is taking way too many liberties with whatever power they think that they have. Way. Too. Many.

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